Welcome to moodtracker.perception.net.
Please enter your username and password to access your log, or enter a new username and password to start a log.
Username :
Password :
Remember my login for 4 weeks?

These pages are for personal use to keep a record of your mood. This information can be useful but is in no way to be taken with clinical authenticity. All steps have been taken to preserve your privacy, with the expection of your username. If you are concerned about this, feel free to use a random username rather than a personal name, or contact webmaster@perception.net with any questions or comments.
Note: These pages were developed for personal use and have been made available to the public. Please excuse (or report) any errors or downtime.

Latest News
  • (2005-12-11) Just noticed a bug that would not display your weekly graph until there was at least 1 week of data to display. This has been fixed. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  • (2001-10-02) Unix timestamp went from 999999999 to 1000000000 which caused some problems for the sorting mechanism... ie. 10 was seen too be less than 9...This affected the graph bt has been fixed.
  • (2001-04-23) Corrected a bug that caused the script to hang if the first 2 entries were identical... My apologies to anyone who had this trouble.

[Hosted by Perception -Interactive Media]